children without both parents

what is your social issue?

my soical issue is children are raised better with both parents

why is it such a social issue? what do you people disagree about in relation to this topic?

this is such an issue because kids usually are angry and upset without having there mom or dad in there life and it causes them to do bad things because they ave an missing piece in there heart. some people feel as if its okay for kids to get raised with one parent and some moms don’t let the dad into there child life because of something the dad do to the mother.

what is your proposed solution? why do you think this is the best solution?

i think this is an good solution’s because its alot of points on how its bad by getting raised with one parent some kids that are getting raised by one parent mostly girls are getting obsess and boy are mostly likely to become disrespectful to there parents

what are pros to your soultion?

some pros to my solution is well raised it gets them a sense of Independence

what are cons to your solution?

kids are hurting and are angry rude careless becoming unhealthy

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